Timber Gap

Distance: 4.5 miles (round trip)

Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, near Mineral King in California's Southwestern Sierra

Excellent view of the peaks rimming the southern side of the Mineral King Valley

Excellent view of the peaks rimming the southern side of the Mineral King Valley


This very steep hike offers great views of the Mineral King Valley and a good workout.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 4.5 miles (round trip) to Timber Gap
  • Elevation: 7,840-ft. at Trailhead
    9,511-ft. at Timber Gap
  • Elevation Gain: 1,671-ft. to Timber Gap
  • Difficulty: strenuous
  • More Hikes in:
    Mineral King / California's Southwestern Sierra

Why Hike Timber Gap

The short, steep hike to the Timber Gap is a good workout and a great way to acclimate, ascending 1,670-ft in just 2.0 miles. Ever improving views of the Mineral King area are the rewards for this stiff climb to a forested Gap. Farewell Gap, Vandever Mountain (11,947-ft.) and White Chief Peak (11,159-ft.) frame the skyline above the beautiful East Fork Kaweah River Valley while a sea of granite summits and ridges rise along the south side of the Mineral King Valley. At the Gap distant views extend north to Alta Peak (11,204-ft.) and the summits rising above the Middle Fork Kaweah River valley.

I recommend getting an early start on this hike. The trail, which climbs steeply up dry exposed, slopes, can be a real scorcher during the height of the summer.

Elevation Profile

Timber Gap Elevation Profile

Trail Resources

Trail Detail/Full Description / Trail Photo Gallery / Trail Map

Basecamp(s) Information:

Region Information:
California's Southwestern Sierra

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