Sertig to Fanezfurgga Pass to Monstein

Distance: 7.2 - 7.7 miles (one way)

near Davos in Eastern Switzerland

The high peaks along the Ducan Ridge from Fanezfurgga

The high peaks along the Ducan Ridge from Fanezfurgga


Get off the beaten path with this great hike ascending the Ducan Valley to Fanezfurgga Pass. Highlights include the Ducan Ridge, Ducan Glacier and the Chrachenhorn towering above the head of the Ducan valley. Finish the hike by descending the pretty Oberalp Valley to Monstein.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 7.2 miles (one way)
  • Elevation: 6,099-ft. at Trailhead
    Maximum elevation: 8,465-ft.
  • Elevation Gain: 2,366-ft.
  • Difficulty: moderate-strenuous
  • More Hikes in:
    Davos / Eastern Switzerland

Why Hike Sertig to Fanezfurgga Pass to Monstein

This trail ascends the wild and rugged Ducantal (Ducan Valley), a classic glacial valley rimmed by photogenic summits along Ducan Ridge, and then climbs to Fanezfurgga Pass on the saddle between the Chrachenhorn (9,485-ft.) and the Strel Ridge. Beyond the pass the trail descends through the beautiful meadows of the Oberalp Valley to Monstein.

The hike starts with a short, easy ascent up the Sertig Valley, passing a beautiful waterfall on the Ducanbach. Beyond the falls we leave the last vestiges of civilization behind and climb through an untamed valley clad in rocky meadows and talus slopes beneath soaring peaks and rugged ridges.

The pass enjoys terrific views of the summits rimming the Ducan Valley and, in the distance the Chuealphorn. To the west the high peaks rising above the upper Davos Valley fill the skyline. Closer at hand is the Ducan Glacier, spilling down the slopes of the Ducan Dador, and Ducanfurgga Pass, set against a backdrop of the summits rimming the Stugl Valley.

The remainder of the walk is a scenic, albeit steep descent down the Oberalp Valley to Monstein where buses return to Davos.

The hike can be walked in either direction. I prefer starting in Sertig because there is less elevation to gain and the views are better going up the Ducan Valley.

This is not a good hike to undertake in bad weather or poor visibility. Pick a beautiful day and get the first bus of the day to Sertig where the hike starts, allowing plenty of time to enjoy the hike at a leisurely pace.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile of the Sertig to Monstein hiking trail.

Best Hiking in Switzerland in the Valais, Bernese Alps, the Engadine and Davos

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Eastern Switzerland

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