Wolfman Panel

Distance: 0.8 - 1.4 miles (round trip)

BLM, Monticello, Utah office, near Bluff in Southeast Utah

The main section of the Wolfman Panel with a tall slender anthropomorph, two birds, a wolf print, two orb and other figures

The main section of the Wolfman Panel with a tall slender anthropomorph, two birds, a wolf print, two orb and other figures


The Wolfman Panel is fascinating both for its precise artwork as well as its interesting figures. The easy access and short hiking distance make this site a popular spot for rock art enthusiasts passing through the Bluff and Mexican Hat area.
See Trail Detail/Full Description

  • Distance: 0.8 miles (round trip) to Wolfman Panel
    1.4 miles (round trip) to Small Ruins
  • Elevation: 4,530-ft. at Trailhead
    4,387-ft. at Wolfman Panel
    4,360-ft. at Small Ruins
  • Elevation Gain: -143-ft. to Wolfman Panel
    -170-ft. to Small Ruins
  • Difficulty: easy-moderate
  • More Hikes in:
    Bluff / Mexican Hat / Southeast Utah

Why Hike Wolfman Panel

This short, moderately-easy hike leads to a fascinating panel of petroglyphs. The talented artist(s) who created the panel pecked precise figures with well executed details. Images include human-like forms with hands and feet, birds, a shield, a mask, a plant and a number of curious objects.

Beyond the panel the trail drops to a small ruin in an alcove across the wash. The alcove includes a small panel of petroglyphs and one structure in relatively good shape.

The trailhead for the site is just a mile off the main highway, making it an easily accessible site.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile - Wolfman Panel

Trail Resources

Trail Detail/Full Description / Trail Photo Gallery / Trail Map

Basecamp(s) Information:

Region Information:
Southeast Utah

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